
Keeping Up award - Final decision on friday

This coming Friday the final decision about the keeping up award will be made
Stenden university hotel is one of the 3 finalists in the competition ‘Best Housekeeping department in the Netherlands’. All hotels will be evaluated for their housekeeping procedures, policy and innovation by one of the most important sources and service providers in the housekeeping area of the Netherlands.
The last time a mystery guest on behalf of the keeping up award visited the Stenden university hotel on Friday, 10th of October 2008. Furthermore a movie from the hotel was made to present the philosophy of the learning company in a unique way.Coming Friday the General Manager, Marco ten Hoor, and his management team will go to Amsterdam to give the final presentation. Afterwards the decision of the Executive Housekeepers Association will be announced and hopefully the Stenden university will achieve a good result. The results will be published on the weblog in the coming week. So please continue to keep your fingers crossed for the Stenden university hotel and together we will profit from their success!


Autumn conference at Stenden university hotel

On the moment the Stenden university has autumn holiday, but not for the practice students of the Stenden university hotel… In the Stenden university hotel is the event “IPPT” on the moment; with more than 100 guests on this event it is very busy.

IPPT is:
The International Institute For Peace Through Tourism (IIPT) is a not for profit organization dedicated to fostering and facilitating tourism initiatives which contribute to international understanding and cooperation, an improved quality of environment, the preservation of heritage, and through these initiatives, helping to bring about a peaceful and sustainable world.

It is based on a vision of the world's largest industry, travel and tourism - becoming the world's first global peace industry; and the belief that every traveller is potentially an "Ambassador for Peace.

The coming week the member of the IPPT will have conferences about subjects as: On the Road to 2010: The Potential Impact of the World Championship Soccer in South-
Africa in 2010, Sustainable Tourism and Local Government in Rural Areas of Senegal and
Srebrenica Case Study: Bridging the Past and the Future


La Salle a Manger goes Organic

Everything, or almost everything in the kitchen revolves around the products. Products are the ingredients in our recipes and the building blocks of cooking. The techniques you use to cook are just the finishing touches. (Albert Kooij, The New Dutch Cuisine)

La Salle a Manger with only organic healthy food

We want to be progressive by using alternative products and production methods to show you the trends of the future and to show the marked that we all ready work with the trends of the future.

Furthermore organic food is also healthy, better for our environment and much friendlier for the animals.


Meet & Greet Opening lobby

Na een succesvolle verbouwing tijdens de zomermaanden 2008 is het dan zover, de lobby is klaar en gereed voor de opening. Op donderdag 9 oktober een meet & greet vond plaats voor de medewerkers van de hotelschool om een eerste indruk te krijgen van de 'nieuwe' lobby van het Stenden university hotel.
Tijdens de meet & greet medewerkers genoten van een drankje en een hapje en bewonderden de nieuwe lobby. Ook werden er rondleidingen gegeven langs de nieuw gestijlde conferentie zalen, de ingang naar de hotelkamers en de nieuwe trim tab kamers. Gasten waren enthousiast over de nieuwe stijl en er was een positieve sfeer, het was een gezellige middag.



On Wednesday 1st of October the first round of competition, part A, of HOTS (Hotel Operations Tactics and Strategy) simulation took place. Participants: students of Strategic Hospitality Management module. HOTS is a computer software, designed to simulate the management of hotel in a realistic business environment. It has been an obligatory part of the Strategic module for students of International Hospitality Management since year 2002, however, this year students get to see HOTS from a different perspective - Managing their properties, learning as they go and competing with their fellow students on performance indicators and financial performance.

For those who are not familiar with an extremely busy schedule of students in Strategic semester, here are couple of things that students have to do: Bachelor Dissertation, CBL, weekly reports, presentations, lectures and workshops - just to name a few… One can imagine that squeezing in sessions of HOTS game into that kind of schedule would be tricky, so sessions had to be scheduled in late afternoon and evening. In order to motivate students for one and a half hours of hard brain work, accommodating General Manager of Stenden University Hotel agreed to sponsor our project and now participating students get a great meal with some fresh orange juice to get them going after a long day spent at University.

After lots of struggle and problems with software encountered during the first two trail sessions of HOTS everything finally went smoothly in Round 1A. Final results of the first round of competition were quite impressive: the leading team in Group A managed to generate over $ 1,706.000 in retained earnings and $ 1,770,000 in cash. Leader in Group B: over $ 914,000 in retained earnings and 1,378.000 in cash.

Consequently 3 teams from every group that underperformed had to be eliminated from further competition. Our congratulations to students, who managed to carry on due to their great performance and good luck with further achievements in your entrepreneurship experience!


Afgelopen woensdag was het dan zover….
De prijswinnaars van Ljouwert Culinair werden bekend gemaakt!
De gelukkige prijswinnaars zijn B. Brotzmann, L. van Engen en R. Schnieders.
De prijzen werden persoonlijk op het thuisadres overhandigd en iedereen was dolenthousiast met hun prijs.



Wist je dat…
De Hospitality Research and Development Center (HRDC) bezig is met het implementeren van een ‘serendipiteit tafel’?
Wat is dat dan?
Serendipiteit is de kunst van onverwachte uitvindingen. Deze tafel wordt een plek waar men vrij kunt communiceren over van alles en nog wat waar de kans bestaat om onverwachte dingen over elkaar te weten te komen.
Waar zal het plaatsnemen?
In de lobby van Stenden University Hotel. De tafel naast het boekenplank is het slachtoffer.
Waarom doen ze dat?
Deze tafel wordt geïmplementeerd om de voorspelbaarheid van de interacties in Stenden University Hotel te doen afnemen.
Wat zal dit betekenen voor Stenden University Hotel?
Niet meer ingestudeerde rollenspellen met één manier om te communiceren, maar een host die vrij is om te babbelen met een ieder. Zo ontstaat er een gezondere interactieve omgeving binnen het hotel.
Wanneer zal het plaatsvinden?
De tafel zal worden geopend op woensdag in week 5. Er zal onderzoek worden gedaan in week 5 en 6.
Voor wie is het bedoeld?
Voor een ieder die houdt van een onverwacht babbeltje. Deze tafel is niet alleen bedoeld voor de gasten, maar ook voor studenten die een bezoekje brengen in het hotel.
Kom langs en neem een kijkje op woensdag, donderdag en vrijdag in week 5 en 6.